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ITI Career

ITI Career after completing school, students have various options to choose their path and to make their ITI career. Now-a-days people become more selective when it comes to choose their career path. They want to choose only that field in which they have interest.

ITI Career after 10th

Most of them select any of the +2 courses then start doing preparation in Medical/Engineering entrance examor any other field. But there are several students who don’t want to take any +2 courses after 10th standard. They want to get basic training skills. For those students there is a very good option of taking up technical educationprovided by Industrial Training Institute (ITI).

Students become more aware about the scope for technical education. Due to the changing economic and industrial scenario of the world, the requirement of skilled personnel in various technical fields is increasing day by day. Job posts in technical field is also increasing day by day.

ITI course consists various of specializations. Doing ITI you become eligible as a trainee in private sectors. Now-a-days this ITI career specialization which is too much benefited. ITI qualified candidates can apply for jobs in the private sector and public sector. Everyone wants quick jobs within short period of time. ITI career is the best option as compare to the fees of engineering and management, the fees are not that big and even students from economically weaker sections who want to pursue their career in technical field can make their career and take admission in ITI courses.